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Dee Mini Dachshund


Phone (210) 876-0197
Mobile (210) 876-0197 - Mobile
Address 19718 Lockwood rd,
19718 Lockwood rd,

Manor, TX 78653 United States


Home to the Best Mini Dachshund For Sale. There are numerous reasons people decide to find Dachshund breeders in the USA. One reason is their bitsy frame makes them perfect for snuggling, which will bring a smile to your face on the worst days. Unlike much larger types, Dachshunds are easy to move around with, whether on a walk or a long road trip. While their disposition tends to be a little stubborn, they’re facetious enough and respond to training well. Implicit possessors with some tolerance and time might enjoy training their Dachshund puppies in the USA.

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